Passion for Excellence
Never in a million years
would I have guessed
that doing beautiful printing and binding would take
THAT MUCH EFFORT and attention to detail! Wow!!
I knew that your books were special — a thousand cuts above the norm —
but this commentary has certainly proven it beyond a shadow of doubt.
I’ve so enjoyed this blow-by-blow account of just what is involved!
Congratulations on a magnificent accomplishment.
Kathleen Ritch, New York
Intriguing Stories about the Making of Keough Tomes
• Printing Blogs: 1–15, 18–20
# 2 Printing Continues
# 3 Printing Reverse Side
# 4 Destroyed Materials for Recycling
# 5 Printing almost Complete
# 6 Progress Continues
# 7 Printing Complete
# 8 Aqueous Starts and Stops
# 9 Beautifully Smooth Sheets
#10 Coating almost Complete
#11 All Press Work Complete
#12 We have Pages!
#13 Collating almost Done
#14 Inspections Continue
#15 Inspections Continue and Prototypes Made
#18 Inspections Continue and Local Flooding
#19 Deja Vu or Climbing Mt Fairweather
#20 Approved Pages, Lithography Done
• Tannery Blogs: 16-17
• Warehouse Blog: 21
• Bindery Blogs: 22–26, 28
• Explorers Club Unveiling Blog: 27